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Low-Cost, No-Cost, and Open Educational Resources (OER)

No-Cost Resources

This page is dedicated to No-Cost resources. As it is not practical to include every Free or Public Access resource in this guide, this page will focus on institutionally-licensed content and what the library can do for you. For more information on these definitions, please see the OER Fundamentals page on the sidebar to the left. 

Institutionally Licensed Resources

Students and faculty already have access to these resources through the library. The following database have strong ebook collections and can be used in the place of a traditional textbook. This is just a subset of what is available. Please contact your liaison librarian for more information about other resources that are applicable to your discipline.   

While many publishers do not license traditional textbooks to libraries, books that are not created as traditional textbooks are often allowed to be. If you have an ebook in mind, and would like to explore the option of possibly getting access to it for all of your students, please use the button below or contact your liaison librarian. This service is dependent on license availability and library funding, however, we are happy to look into it for you. 

Suggest a Purchase

Course & Subject Guides

Cornette Library currently has 243 databases available for you to use. Those databases cover any topic you could study here at WT. Within those 243 databases are hundreds of millions of unique articles, newspapers, magazines, videos, and just about any other resource you can imagine.Now, if those numbers seem daunting to you, imagine what your students, many of whom have never done actual research, feel when faced with that many resources.

Course Guides can help bridge that gap for students.

You can think of Course Guides as an electronic binder where we can house all the best resources available on a specific topic. You give us a topic, and we look at all our resources and figure out what best works for your application. Most of the time, when we build these, we have a specific course in mind, and not only do we pull resources that pertain to that class, but we can also provide specific tips and tricks on how to best approach research or citation for your class. We can even take your syllabus and divide the course guide by the assignments your students will need to do so they can get specific help for each assignment in your class.

With Course Guides, the possibilities are only limited by your imagination, so contact your liaison librarian today and begin the process of providing your students with this powerful tool. 

Here are a few examples that demonstrate what a course guide can look like:

  • SES 1301
  • Course guide for SES 1301 that includes tips and resources for every step of a research paper, including a progress bar and custom search boxes.

  • THRE 1310
  • Course Guide for Theatre 1310, focusing on visual resources for a set or costume design project.

  • COMM 1315
  • Course Guide for COMM 1315, featuring multiple assignments and resources specific to each assignment.

Course Reserves

Course reserves are a collection of physical (books, pamphlets, etc.) and electronic (Word, PDFs, PowerPoint, etc.) materials placed on reserve by faculty. By placing items on reserve, faculty and the library are ensuring everyone within a class has fair access to course material.

To see what is currently on reserve, please use the search box below:

Find Course Reserves

Note: This search is available on the library’s main website by choosing “Reserves” from the search box dropdown.

Have course readings that you want to ensure all students have access to? Place an item on Reserve by filling out the Reserves Request Form.


It is important to note that with all library databases, access to databases are limited by library funding, consortia agreements, and publisher licenses. Long-term access is not guaranteed. In the event that there is a specific resource that you use that is being cancelled, please contact the library for alternative access options.