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Low-Cost, No-Cost, and Open Educational Resources (OER)

What is Pressbooks?

Pressbooks is a versatile, user-friendly publishing platform educators rely on to create, adapt, and share accessible, interactive, web-first books. Pressbooks uses the venerable Wordpress platform to build books in a similar manner to a blog. 

All books from Pressbooks have a Creative Commons license, allowing them to be redistributed for free, and modified to suit your needs.  



H5P: H5P makes it easy to create interactive content by providing a range of content types for various needs.

Hypothesis: Hypothesis is an easy to use pedagogical tool that enables students and teachers to have conversations in the margins of digital texts. Using social annotation gives you new ways to foster student success by building community, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding of readings. 

MathJax/MathML/AsciiMath/LaTeX: Pressbooks offers two different methods for rendering mathematical equations in your books: via a native MathJax integration and through the WP QuickLaTeX plugin. Many different types of mathematical markup languages are supported through these two plugins. 

Download Formats

There are many download formats available including: 

  • Print PDF: Print PDF files are the format you should select if you plan to make a printed, physical copy of your book. This file meets the requirements of printers and print-on-demand services.
  • Digital PDF: Digital PDF files are useful if you want to distribute your book as a digital file, but do not intend to print  the file. Digital PDFs are optimized for accessibility, contain hyperlinks for easier navigation, and can be used online.
  • EPUB: EPUB files can be submitted to any popular ebook distributor and opened by most modern ebook readers. This is the file you’d use to submit your ebook to Kobo, Nook, iBooks, Amazon, and others.
  • Pressbooks XML: The Pressbooks XML format is a particularly useful format if you’d like to move all or part of your book from one Pressbooks network to another, or to combine parts of multiple books into a new book.
  • Common Cartridge with Weblinks: Pressbooks allows you to produce Common Cartridge exports with weblinks. Common Cartridge is an standard developed by IMS Global to define interoperable packages for use in Learning Management Systems [LMS]. The Common Cartridge with Web Links export produced by Pressbooks can be used to quickly import each chapter of a public book into a course in your LMS as an external link.