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A-Z Databases

Find the best library databases for your research.


Currently Unavailable Databases

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Can't find a database on this list but recall seeing it here before? Perhaps it's on our list of cancellations or on the list of TexShare's cancellations.

New / Trial Databases

The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription. Please share with us your evaluation of those you try.
AccessEngineering This link opens in a new window
Hundreds of McGraw-Hill textbooks, handbooks, reference works, videos, exam prep tools, data visualizations, and other specialized texts and course materials for civil engineering, mechanical engineering, computer engineering and computer science, mathematics, electrical engineering, energy engineering, environmental engineering, and other fields within or related to engineering. In addition to titles in their entirety, allows convenient access to individual chapters, solution walkthroughs, figures, graphs, tables, examples, equations, case studies, and calculation.

To download and print PDFs and to take advantage of other extra features, create a personal account (Not available during trial access during January 2024.) Personal accounts also allow bookmarking, labeling, and other features.