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Storage Guide for reusable content 111

The boxes in this guide to take advantage of the one-place update feature. You should see 2 arrows on your new guide page if you have successfully linked. COPIED content will NOT update automatically - it will have to be manually corrected.


Chicago indicates that if you use generative AI, such as ChatGPT, you do need to credit it, however it recommends that you do it in your text. (e.g., “The following recipe for pizza dough was generated by ChatGPT”)

If you need a more formal format, it recommends the following:

Example Footnote:

1. ChatGPT, response to “Explain how to make pizza dough from common household ingredients,” March 7, 2023, OpenAI.

Three elements are required, with two optional but recommended:

  • Author: The name of the tool (i.e. ChatGPT, LLaMA, etc.)

  • Prompt: If the prompt hasn't been included in the text, include the prompt here. 

  • Date: The date the text was generated.

  • Publisher: The organization that developed the tool, for example: 

    • OpenAI for ChatGPT or DALL-E
    • Google for Bard
    • Meta for LLaMA
  • URL: This is optional. See note below. 

Note: The Chicago Manual of Style does not recommend citing ChatGPT or other generative AI in a bibliography or reference list since it is difficult or impossible to verify the contents of the interaction. Instead, it recommends treating it as a personal communication, like an email exchange, phone call, or text.


Please verify with your instructor if they want you to cite ChatGPT or other generative AI in your bibliography or reference list when using Chicago/Turabian.   

If you have further questions, read the full Chicago FAQ response.