Start with the two must useful databases for MCOM 3314:
Another excellent option is to use the EBSCO Search option available via the Databases A-Z button on the Cornette Library home page It will enable you to search most of the EBSCO databases at one time.
Depending on your research needs, consider going directly to one of these databases:
To go directly to a database, click on the Databases A-Z button on the Cornette Library home page.
Type a phrase in "quotations marks".
You can check the box for Scholarly Articles to search:
After a Discover search, you will have many options to improve the list of full-text articles in the search results, such as:
After beginning a search using Discover, you may be able to find additional articles by searching in an individual database. For example, explore the subject terms that are unique to each database.
Also, one database may be more likely to cover a particular topic. PsycINFO would be a good database to search when looking for information about psychographics (lifestyles, hobbies, spending habits). American FactFinder would be good to use when researching demographics (age, gender, race, income, location, occupation).
One way to get to a list of available databases---
Click on the blue button to link to Databases A-Z on the library home page
Since you will have to verify that your sources are reputable, it is not a good idea to use Google.
You may be able to spend less time overall on your research if you use databases available from the Cornette Library.
You may read eBooks online or check them out from the datababase eBook Collection. Examples include: