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MKT 3348: Marketing Research

Theories, concepts and methodology in applying research to market problems. Attention toward the application of sampling, sample design, data analysis of marketing problems and how findings are used in formulating marketing policies.

When in doubt, ask a librarian!

APA Style

APA Style is used primarily in the social and behavioral sciences, such as Psychology, Sociology, and similar disciplines.

Additionally, the library has a print copy of the APA manual. See below for further information on finding a copy:

For further examples of APA formatting see the following links from the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL):

  1. APA Paper
  2. Reference List
  3. APA In-text Citations

If you're not sure about how to cite sources, contact the writing center or



APA AI Citation

The APA recommended citation for ChatGPT and other AI tools are based of the rules for citing software, and is as follows: 

Example Reference List Citation:

OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model].


Example in-Text Citation:

  • Parenthetical citation: (OpenAI, 2023)
  • Narrative citation: OpenAI (2023)

Four elements are required: 

  • Author: This is the Publisher of the AI tool. This is:
    • OpenAI for ChatGPT or DALL-E
    • Google for Bard
    • Meta for LLaMA
  • Date: This is the date that the tool is accessed in year form. 
  • Title: There are 3 parts to this section:
    • Name of the Tool (in italics)
    • Version Number 
    • Bracketed information to describe the software. This could include:
      • Large Language Models
      • Large Multimodal Models
  • Source: Since the publisher and author are the same for most generative AI models, only include the URL.   

Note: Since AI interaction results may not be reproducible, consider noting your prompts or responses in an appendix or in the text of your paper.

If you have further questions, read the full APA blog post.

MLA Style

MLA Style is used primarily in the Modern Language, English, and similar disciplines.

Use the following links from the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) to format your:

  1. MLA Paper
  2. Works Cited
  3. MLA In-text Citations

Additionally, the library has a print copy of the MLA manual. See below for further information on finding a copy:

If you need help, contact the writing center or



MLA AI Citation

MLA has indicated that you should cite AI tools used in the following situations:

  • You use, paraphrase, or quote content generated by an AI, whether text, image, data, or other. 
  • You use an AI to help write or modify your paper, such as editing or translating it. 
  • If you use information cited by a generative AI, include the secondary source as well.  

Example Works Cited Citation

“Describe the symbolism of the green light in the book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald” prompt. ChatGPT, 13 Feb. version, OpenAI, 8 Mar. 2023,

MLA gives the following guidance:

  • Author: MLA does not treat Generative AI as an author. Skip this step. 
  • Title of Source: Include the prompt and the context of the prompt. For example:
    • "[prompt]" prompt.
    • "[prompt]" follow-up prompt to list sources.
  • Title of Container: Name the AI tool (e.g., ChatGPT).
  • Version: Use the specific version (i.e. Chapt GPT July 20 Version).
  • Publisher: Company that made the tool. (i.e. OpenAI for ChatGPT)
  • Date: The date the content was generated.
  • Location: The URL for the tool.

Note: Some generative AI tools allow you to create a unique URL for a generated image or conversation. Be sure to include those instead of the general URL if available. Otherwise, consider including the Generative AI's response in an appendix or note.

If you have further questions, read the full MLA Style Guide entry.