The Cornette Library decided to make some changes to the seminar rooms in the library. Over the 2021-2022 holiday break, we repainted the rooms and started to add some sound dampening measures to lessen the amount of noise traveling between the rooms and the silent areas of the library. The first step was to add insulation in the drop ceilings and door sweeps to the bottom of the study room doors. Over Spring Break 2022 we added 90 degree boots at the return air ducts in the drop down ceilings and sound absorbing acoustical tiles to the walls.
How it used to be!
Before pictures of the single study rooms upstairs.
Before photo.
Before photo.
How it used to be!
Before pictures of the single study rooms upstairs.
Before photo.
Before photo.
How it used to be!
The walls completely painted grey.
In progress pictures of the single study rooms.
Painting the walls.
Almost done!
The walls completely painted grey.
In progress pictures of the single study rooms.
Painting the walls.
Almost done!
The walls completely painted grey.
Work completed! New single study room.
The new panels.
An after photo.
Work completed! New single study room.
The new panels.
An after photo.
Work completed! New single study room.
A picture of outside the rooms.
Before pictures of the doubles study rooms 223-226 upstairs.
Before photo.
A picture of outside the rooms.
Before pictures of the doubles study rooms 223-226 upstairs.
Before photo.
A picture of outside the rooms.
In progress photo.
In progress pictures, the new color of the walls.
Changing the carpet.
In progress photo.
In progress pictures, the new color of the walls.
Changing the carpet.
In progress photo.
An after picture of the doubles study rooms.