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This guide provides information about ICPSR, the Inter-University Consortium of Political and Social Research.

Data-Related Publications

The ICPSR Bibliography of Data-related Literature is a continuously-updated database of thousands of citations of works using data held in the ICPSR archive. The works include journal articles, books, book chapters, government and agency reports, working papers, dissertations, conference papers, meeting presentations, unpublished manuscripts, magazine and newspaper articles, and audiovisual materials. The Bibliography links over 80,000 research publications to the ICPSR data on which they are based.

There are two different ways to search for citations:

  1. Find a study or dataset via the Find & Analyze Data page, and then click on the Data-related Publications tab
  2. Search from the Data-Related Publications page. You can View All Citations, Browse by author, Browse by journal, or Browse by study