All Texas depository items in the Government Documents unit are cataloged.
All U.S. items published since 1995 are in the library's online catalog.
The advanced search will allow you to limit the search to items located in Government Documents.
Be flexible with your search terms. For example, besides "Nazi Germany", you could search world war 1933 1945 sources in the Subject.
Another search example is reconstruction germany as a keyword search.
The Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications included both Congressional and government agency publications. The print edition began in 1895 and ended in 2004.
While it was published as a sales catalog, it can be used to find older documents.
When a similar publication (the Documents Catalog) was discontinued, the following supplements to the Monthly Catalog were published. They filled in a gap from 1940 to 1947. Declassified publications were included.
Listed below, the first two indexes to the Monthly Catalog are shelved at the end of all the editions of the Monthly Catalog (near the “Shelflist” card catalog).
Entries for items printed after September, 1947 show entry/item numbers, such as this example: (62)24093:
Entries for items printed before September, 1947 show page numbers, such as this example: (26)638:
Tip: An entry in the Subject Index is informational—it is NOT the same as the title of the item in the Monthly Catalog
Warning: sometimes there are typos in the Cumulative Subject Index!
If you read about a government publication and the SuDoc number is mentioned:
You may search for U.S. documents published since 1976 in the database GPO Monthly Catalog. It is an online version of the Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications from the Government Publishing Office (GPO).
Type in search words, such as world war 1939 1945 sources. Search options include subject, title, etc.
On a results list, items the library definitely has are displayed with a logo: West Texas A&M University, Cornette Library
The library may or may not have other items on the list. So your next step may be to search for items in the shelflist card catalog or the actual shelves. You can find the SuDoc number by clicking on the title of the item and reading the Class Descriptors information.
Some items may be available for free online:
The GPO Monthly Catalog database is also available for free from the GPO as the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP).