An expanded version of the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health. Provides citations and abstracts for over 5,400 nursing journals, as well as books, conferences, software, and audiovisual material. Provides the full text for over 1,300 of those journals.
Format: Citations; some full-text via link resolver, Coverage: 1982 - present, Truncation and Wildcard: * and ?, Search Tips: 'Help' link on each screen. 'Styles of Citation' available under 'Help'., and Special Features: Browse list of publication titles.
Online collection of 200,000+ texts, fully viewable onscreen. Most of these ebooks can also be downloaded to a personal device. Most allow unlimited simultaneous users; each book's record in the database will indicate if there is any limit and, if so, whether it's been reached. Search by title, author, subject, and keyword and limit by full-text, publisher, publication date, and ISBN.
Format: Full-text, Coverage: Mostly 1990 - present, Truncation and Wildcard: * and *, Search Tips: Use quotation marks to phrase search. Allows Boolean AND, OR and NOT searching. May limit to language and publication date.
Not one database but over a dozen different databases on the EBSCOhost platform, covering a wide array of topics and sources, combined here to search them all at once.
Great for business, economics, nursing, health sciences, communication, education, literary studies, music, psychology, public administration, social work, and sports & exercise sciences.
Not as great for history, natural and applied sciences, the arts, philosophy, sociology, or magazines/newspapers.
Currently searches these databases:
Business Source Ultimate, CINAHL Complete, Civil War Primary Source Documents, Communication Source, Education Source, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts, Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print, MLA Directory of Periodicals, MLA International Bibliography, Music Index, APA PsycArticles, APA PsycInfo, Public Administration Abstracts, Social Work Abstracts, SPORTDiscus with Full Text, eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)
Full-text, searchable access to more than 175 specific encyclopedias in many subjects, including business, social sciences, history, biography, religion, popular culture, and much more.
Format: Full-text, Coverage: 1993-2007 publication dates, Truncation and Wildcard: * and ? Or !, Search Tips: Search by title, keyword, author, subject, ISBN, full-text, and image caption. Limit by date, document type, or audience type. You can also drill down through a subject classification list from general to specific.
Formerly Health Reference Center: Academic.
Integrated collection of medical and professional periodicals, general interest health and fitness magazines, medical references and pamphlets. Designed for nursing and allied health students. More than 14,000 full-text publications, over 5,000 of which are peer-reviewed journals.
Format: Majority full-text, Coverage: mid-1990s - present, Truncation and Wildcard: * and ? Or !, Search Tips: ? is wildcard for exactly one character. ! Is wildcard for 1 or 0 characters and is useful for plural searches., and Special Features: Can e-mail, print or save results. Links to similar articles are at the bottom of every record. Will indicate "May be available in Cornette Library" when source is in the WT online catalog.
Full-text of 77 journals published by the American Psychological Association APA Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association, and Hogrefe Publishing Group. Almost all titles are from volume 1, issue 1 through the most recent issue. Initial coverage begins in 1894 for Psychological Review.
Format: Full-text, Coverage: Volume 1, Issue 1 to present for each title, Truncation and Wildcard: * and ?, Search Tips: Boolean command searching. Browsable index of search terms for author/editor, journal name, language, document type, and subject term.
100 high-quality streaming training videos in the field of counseling, psychotherapy, and addiction, the majority of which show leading practitioners conducting therapy and demonstrating clinical skills, along with pre and post discussions.
The videos have diverse formats geared for a variety of teaching needs, including single-session demonstrations, multiple-session demonstrations, clinical case consultations, interview and documentary style films. Most use actual clients, although some are reenactments . Many videos include voiceover commentaries throughout sessions. Also included are downloadable Instructor's manuals with suggestions for role-plays, reaction papers, discussion questions and additional resources.
The platform includes captions, searchable transcripts, and clip-making and clip-sharing ability.
Behavioral sciences database containing full-text and abstracts for journals, books, and book chapters. International coverage for psychology, medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education and pharmacology. Index is created by the American Psychological Association. More than 1.8 million entries. Entries are searchable by language, format, special population groups, classification codes, content type, intended audience, and special features.
Format: Citations; some full-text via link resolver, Coverage: 1887-present, Truncation and Wildcard: * and *, Search Tips: Use quotation marks to phrase search. Allows Boolean AND, OR and NOT searching. May limit to full-text, scholarly journals, date, length, publication name and type. HELP link on each screen, which includes Citation information. Can print, save, or email results. Some full-text publications may have the most current 3-12 months in abstract only, due to publisher restrictions.
More than 24 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.