POSC/SOCI 6388: Data Analysis for Social and Criminological Research
Statistical techniques most commonly used in social science research with emphasis on probability, estimation, hypothesis methods, sample techniques and use of R and RStudio for statistical analysis.
Simultaneously search the most important journals in the social sciences, physical sciences, mathematics, the humanities, and visual and performing arts. Includes 'high impact' scholarly sources. Search by author, topic, affiliation, etc., or follow links to cited sources. Create an individualized sign-in to save results, set up search alerts, and gain access to citation management with the My EndNote Web service. Includes Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Science Citation Index (SCI).
Format: Citations; some full-text via link resolver, Coverage: 1970-present, Truncation and Wildcard: * and * for (any), ? for (1), $ for (0 or 1), Search Tips: Default search is for terms in the order they are entered, use quotation marks for a phrase. Search options include author, title, keyword, and subject. Author first name is initials only. Supports logical connectors AND, OR, NOT, and SAME. Can limit to one or two of the included indexes.
Indexing of more than 11,000 peer-reviewed journals and full text of more than 8,000, with coverage in such subject areas such as, biology, chemistry, criminal justice, economics, environmental science, history, marketing, political science, and psychology.
Provides full text for over 1.7 million dissertations and masters theses from U.S. and international academic institutions and abstracting and indexing for 3.8 million.
Format: Frequently full-text, Coverage: Citations since 1637. Some full-text from 1743. Truncation and Wildcard: ? and *, Search Tips: May combine searches in a single research session.
Full-text from 860+ scholarly journals, with excellent coverage for criminology, psychology, sociology, health sciences and the humanities. Numerous journals also cover education, general and international business, and management.
Format: Full-text, Coverage: 1999-present, Truncation and Wildcard: * and *, Search Tips: Search results may include material earlier than our subscription. DO NOT pay for articles: use our Interlibrary Loan
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