Overview of public health and community health issues; discussion of public health and community health in the context of the health system and its major components; exploration of key public (national, Texas-based, and local diseases) health concerns.
An expanded version of the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health. Provides citations and abstracts for over 5,400 nursing journals, as well as books, conferences, software, and audiovisual material. Provides the full text for over 1,300 of those journals.
Format: Citations; some full-text via link resolver, Coverage: 1982 - present, Truncation and Wildcard: * and ?, Search Tips: 'Help' link on each screen. 'Styles of Citation' available under 'Help'., and Special Features: Browse list of publication titles.
Millions of articles covering nursing and allied health from 2,500 embargo-free, full-text journals, magazines, newsletters, reference books, and pamphlets, plus hundreds of videos demonstrating medical procedures and live surgeries.
Formerly Health Reference Center: Academic.
Integrated collection of medical and professional periodicals, general interest health and fitness magazines, medical references and pamphlets. Designed for nursing and allied health students. More than 14,000 full-text publications, over 5,000 of which are peer-reviewed journals.
Format: Majority full-text, Coverage: mid-1990s - present, Truncation and Wildcard: * and ? Or !, Search Tips: ? is wildcard for exactly one character. ! Is wildcard for 1 or 0 characters and is useful for plural searches., and Special Features: Can e-mail, print or save results. Links to similar articles are at the bottom of every record. Will indicate "May be available in Cornette Library" when source is in the WT online catalog.
Indexing of more than 11,000 peer-reviewed journals and full text of more than 8,000, with coverage in such subject areas such as, biology, chemistry, criminal justice, economics, environmental science, history, marketing, political science, and psychology.
Bibliographic database produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. With coverage from 1946 to the present, the database contains millions of citations, derived from thousands of biomedical and life science journals, and indexed with Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®) from the NLM controlled vocabulary.
The database contains a broad range of medical topics relating to research, clinical practice, administration, policy issues, and health care services.
Subject content includes anatomy; communication disorders; microbiology; paramedical professions; pathology; physiology; psychiatry; toxicology; dentistry; parasitology; reproductive biology; epidemiology; gene therapy; surgical and pharmaceutical intervention; nursing practice; ethical and legal issues; institutional operations; laboratory techniques and procedures; diagnosis and management; clinical research trials and experimental treatment protocols; legislation and regulation; allied health specialties; continuing education; investigational drugs and new drug uses, and some veterinary medicine.
Full-text of articles from 81 journals, principally from Ovid's Nursing Collections I and II, as well as some sports and exercise journals and a few others.
Format: Full-text, Coverage: 1996 - present. A few back to 1993., Truncation and Wildcard: $ and # or ?, Search Tips: Boolean commands. Can limit searches by search field., and Special Features: Limit of 40 concurrent users statewide affects availability of full-text. Browseable tables of contents. Can email results. Can save searches for doing at a later time.
Broad science coverage, emphasizing life sciences, health sciences, engineering, earth sciences, agriculture, and pharmacology. Full text from over 3800 journals and chapters from over 5300 books. Also includes business, management and accounting; economics, econometrics and finance, and social science.
Format: Full-text, Coverage: Varies by title, most 1990-present, Truncation and Wildcard: ! and *, Search Tips: Default search assumes entered term is a phrase. Can search for terms in abstract/title/keywords, full-text , author, journal title, etc. Use singular for terms that form regular plurals. For irregular plurals, combine both terms with OR. Greek letters are spelled out in English. Super and subscripts appear inline. Browsable help lists. Journal list.
Specific, detailed answers to clinical questions in nursing, sports and exercise sciences, communication disorders, and psychology. Original content that is written, reviewed and continually updated by a faculty of more than 5,100 leading physicians. Content includes over 9,500 topics in 21 specialties, a drug database and drug interactions program, 135 Medical calculators, What’s New (summary of important new findings by specialty), and patient education materials.
Full-text, searchable access to more than 175 specific encyclopedias in many subjects, including business, social sciences, history, biography, religion, popular culture, and much more.
Format: Full-text, Coverage: 1993-2007 publication dates, Truncation and Wildcard: * and ? Or !, Search Tips: Search by title, keyword, author, subject, ISBN, full-text, and image caption. Limit by date, document type, or audience type. You can also drill down through a subject classification list from general to specific.
Provides full text for over 1.7 million dissertations and masters theses from U.S. and international academic institutions and abstracting and indexing for 3.8 million.
Format: Frequently full-text, Coverage: Citations since 1637. Some full-text from 1743. Truncation and Wildcard: ? and *, Search Tips: May combine searches in a single research session.