Using someone else's words or ideas without giving them credit is called plagiarism. Avoid plagiarism by learning to correctly cite your sources any time you borrow from someone else. Be sure to use the correct citation format for your course. The Student Handbook: Categories of Academic Dishonesty outlines how plagiarism is defined at WT.
Writing styles are sets of standards for:
Ask your professor what style you should be using! Use the resources bellow for more information.
APA Style is used primarily in the social and behavioral sciences, such as Psychology, Sociology, and similar disciplines.
Additionally, the library service desks have a print copy of the APA manual to view in the library. See below for further information on finding a copy:
For further examples of APA formatting see the following links from the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL):
APA style does not put "personal communications" such as an interview in the reference list. A text reference should include the date of the communication, and the person's name. The equivalent in a spoken presentation would be to include those same pieces in your speech.
Look at the library's citation pages for sample sources cited in both APA and MLA styles.
Note that the newspaper example does not have an author (byline). If you are citing a newspaper article that has an author, the pieces of the citation are in the order:
Author. (Date). Article title. Newspaper Name. p. #.