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We subscribe to hundreds of journals individually and many thousands through packages and databases. The titles below have had notably low usage, and we have therefore canceled our subscription to each, effective January 1 of the indicated year.

After that, we won't have online or print access to any new current issues, but with various of them, we'll often continue to have archival and/or embargoed access through various databases. You can check our access to any given journal through the Journal Search in our catalog.

For specific article needs, please use Interlibrary Loan and, of course, ask us if you have questions about any of this.

Print subscriptions, 2024

The below are titles we subscribed to in print and have canceled for 2024 due to low usage. (Some may also have had an online component, which also had low usage.)

  • AMA Survey Reports
  • The American Prospect
  • American Scientist
  • Archaeology
  • Bookforum 
  • British Journal of Sports Medicine
  • Choice - Current Reviews for Academic Libraries
  • Christian Century
  • Current Biography Yearbook
  • Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities
  • Entomologica Americana
  • Firehouse Magazine
  • Galpin Society Journal
  • Harvard Educational Review
  • Headquarters USA
  • Herpetologists League
  • Colorado Magazine
  • Horse & Rider
  • Hortscience
  • Inc
  • International Philosophical Quarterly
  • JAMA : Journal of the American Medical Association
  • Journal of American Ethnic History
  • Journal of Immunology
  • Journal of Nursing Administration
  • Journal of Nursing Education
  • Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services
  • Journal of the ASABE
  • Language Arts
  • Legal Notes for Education
  • Loex Quarterly
  • Machine Design
  • Manufacturing Engineering
  • Mark Twain Circular
  • New England Journal of Medicine -
  • New Mexico Historical Review
  • Nurse Educator
  • Nursing Research
  • Pan Pacific Entomologist
  • Parks and Recreation - VA
  • Planning & Changing
  • Policy & Practice
  • Preservation Digital Technology & Culture
  • Principal
  • Principal Leadership
  • Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Marketing Advances
  • Publishers Weekly
  • Record Premium Membership
  • Reference Services Review
  • Science and Children
  • Science Scope
  • School Administrator
  • Skeptical Inquirer
  • Southwestern Naturalist
  • Strategies for School System Leaders on District-Level Change
  • Sunday Times  (London)
  • Teaching Music
  • Technology and Engineering Teacher
  • Texas Parks & Wildlife
  • Texas Speech Communication Journal
  • The Times  (London)
  • Variety
  • Virginia History & Culture
  • Virginia Magazine of History & Biography
  • Vital Speeches of the Day
  • Wilson Journal of Ornithology
  • Windpower Monthly 
  • Wisconsin Magazine of History
  • Writer

Online subscriptions, 2024

The below are titles we subscribed to online and have canceled for 2024 due to low usage. (Some may also have had a print component, which also had low usage.)

  • American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly
  • American Journal of Veterinary Research
  • Brain
  • British Journal of Social Work
  • Canadian Social Work Review
  • Chemical Society Reviews
  • Community Development Journal
  • Daedalus - Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • Developmental Disabilities Bulletin
  • Engineering Design Graphics Journal
  • Ethnomusicology
  • Film Quarterly
  • Genome
  • Genre
  • Human Organization
  • Ichthyology & Herpetology
  • Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • International Journal of Sports Medicine
  • Journal of Anthropological Research
  • Journal of Church and State
  • Journal of Economic Entomology
  • Journal of Music Theory
  • Journal of Negro Education
  • Journal of Philosophy
  • Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology
  • Journal of Teaching in Physical Education
  • Journal of the American Musicological Society
  • Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science
  • Medical Problems of Performing Artists
  • Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews
  • Musical Quarterly
  • New York History
  • Ornithology
  • Perspectives of New Music
  • Psychoanalytic Review
  • Rangeland Journal
  • RMA Journal
  • Texas Journal of Science

Print subscriptions, 2023

The below are titles we subscribed to in print and canceled for 2023 due to low usage. (Some may also have had an online component, which also had low usage.)

  • American Journal of Archaeology
  • Annals of Statistics
  • Annals of the Entomological Society of America
  • Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society
  • Canadian Journal of Soil Science = Revue Canadienne de la Science du Sol
  • College English
  • Comparative Medicine
  • Comparative Politics
  • Congressional Digest
  • Drama - Journal of the National Drama
  • Early Music
  • El Palacio
  • English Historical Review
  • English Journal
  • Flash Art International
  • Gramophone - UK ed
  • Herpetological Review
  • Journal of Computers in Mathematics & Science Teaching
  • Journal of Forestry
  • Journal of Herpetology
  • Journal of Medical Entomology
  • Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society
  • Madrono
  • Nebraska History
  • New England Quarterly
  • Nineteenth-Century Literature
  • Oil and Gas Journal
  • Opera News
  • Parliamentary Affairs
  • Plant Disease : an International Journal of Applied Plant Pathology
  • Publius : the Journal of Federalism
  • Research on Medieval and Renaissance Drama
  • Review of English Studies
  • Romance Philology
  • Science & Society
  • Speculum : Journal of Medieval Studies
  • Statistical Science
  • Stereophile
  • Strad - England
  • Successful Farming
  • Synthesis : Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry
  • Taxes - The Tax Magazine

Online subscriptions, 2023

The below are titles we subscribed to online and canceled for 2023 due to low usage. (Some may also have had a print component, which also had low usage.)

  • 19th Century Music
  • Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly
  • American Archivist
  • American Journal of Archaeology
  • American Journal of Health Behavior
  • Annals of Statistics
  • Annals of the Entomological Society of America
  • Biometrika
  • Canadian Journal of Plant Science
  • Canadian Journal of Soil Science = Revue Canadienne de la Science du Sol
  • Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research = Revue Canadienne Recherche Veterinaire
  • College English
  • Comparative Medicine
  • Comparative Politics
  • Congressional Digest
  • Crop and Pasture Science
  • CQ Magazine
  • Departures in Critical Qualitative Research
  • English Historical Review
  • English Journal
  • Environmental Reviews = Dossiers Environnement
  • Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News
  • Genetics
  • Herpetological Review
  • History of Political Economy
  • INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics
  • International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
  • Journal of Applied Biomechanics
  • Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention
  • Journal of Endocrinology
  • Journal of Herpetology
  • Journal of Medical Entomology
  • Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
  • Journal of Neuroscience Nursing
  • Journal of Sedimentary Research
  • Journal of Wildlife Diseases
  • Mind 
  • New England Quarterly
  • Nineteenth-Century Literature
  • Oil and Gas Journal
  • Philosophical Review
  • Physiological Reviews
  • Plant Disease : an International Journal of Applied Plant Pathology
  • Review of English Studies
  • Romance Philology
  • Science & Society
  • Speculum : Journal of Medieval Studies
  • Statistical Science
  • Strad - England
  • Synthesis : Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry
  • Years Work in English Studies