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Collaborate with Cornette Library

Library visitation plan for local schools.

The Library Partnership Program

The Library Partnership Program:

Your Bridge to College Knowledge

Are you a rural high school in the Texas Panhandle? Would you like to expand your collection by 314,759 books? The Cornette Library has a solution for you. The Library Partnership Program is a collaboration between Cornette Library, the Office of Admissions, the R2OHP AmeriCorps program, and a rural school library like you, with the express purposes of helping reinforce the research skills of our local schools, and easing the transition between high school and college. This program has two parts: the day at WTAMU and the opportunity for classroom teachers to check out books from our library. The day at WTAMU includes information literacy instruction, research time, lunch, a tour, and many more options. See the menu below for more information. The opportunity for classroom teachers to check out books for classroom use allows local school teachers to use our print collection at their school, reinforcing their collection, and ensuring that students have access to appropriate content for research projects.

For reservations, please fill out the form or contact Bruce Wardlow at 806-651-2221


Substitutions and custom orders are welcomed.

All Orders Include:

  • Temporary library card.
    • The sponsor teacher or librarian can check out books for use in the classroom, and can return to the library to exchange those books for others as necessary.
  • R20HP Success Coaches
    • The Rural Resilience and Opportunity on the High Plains AmeriCorps (R2OHP) program is a collaboration between WTAMU and multiple local institutions dedicated to student success and opportunity.
    • Success Coaches from R2OHP will spend all day with the students, building relationships and answering questions that students may have, so when the time comes to apply for colleges, financial aid, and other opportunities, these students will have an expert that they can contact for help.
First Course: Library Instruction and Tour

Choose an Information Literacy Program for the first hour of your experience at the Cornette Library:

  • The Research Process
    • The most popular request for library instruction by the professors at WTAMU is the research process, and this variation of an actual college class is slightly adjusted for high school students.
  • Citations (of your chosen style)
    • Common requests for library instruction are for citations; the how, the why, and tips and tricks to help students build their citations.
  • Unique research opportunities available at the library
    • While students are at Cornette library, they have access to our online databases as well as our expansive collection of print materials. While some of these print materials can be checked out to the teacher or librarian, many are only available while the students are here. This presentation focuses on these unique opportunities.
  • Custom options available
    • If you would like other instruction topics, we are happy to work with you.
  • All library instruction includes a library tour.

Second Course: Research Time

Choose a research goal for the second hour of your experience at the Cornette Library:

  • Finding books
    • Students can take this time to find print books from our collection that would be useful to their research, which the teacher or librarian can then check out for use in the classroom.
  • Using databases
    • Students have access to 161 academic databases and 7,564 academic journals, from which they can find information for their research.
Optional: If you choose to spend the dedicated research time with electronic resources, our librarians can preselect a collection of print material for your teacher or librarian to check out.

Third Course: Lunch

Lunch at the Caf graciously provided by the Department of Admissions.

  • The Caf is all-you-can eat dining facility with many different food options, ranging from pizzas and burgers to salad bar and hot entrees. Vegetarian and allergy-free options are available.

Fourth Course: Campus Tour

Tour of campus graciously provided by the Department of Admissions.

  • Custom tours are available. Ag-focused, athletics-focused, or classroom-focused, we can meet the interests of your students.
    • Tours can be substituted for other content, such as a college success presentation.

Fifth Course: Afternoon Tasting Menu

Choose from one or more of these options:

  • Additional Instruction:
    • If you are interested in multiple instruction sessions, you can choose an additional instruction session for this slot, or use our classroom to hold your own class.
  • Additional Research Time:
    • If your students need additional research time, this is an excellent opportunity to give those students additional research time.
  • The Gatsby Option:
    • Our programming can be tied to the unit that you are teaching. For example, if you are teaching the Great Gatsby, we can spend time looking at primary sources from the 1920s, including print copies of Nature, Good Housekeeping, National Geographic, and others.
  • Special Collections and University Archives
    • The Cornette Library has a large collection of rare books, historic newspapers from the panhandle, and is home to the Texas Poet's Corner, which gives the students the opportunity to see how books have evolved over time first-hand and experience local literary history.
  • Government Documents
    • Cornette Library has been a member of the Federal Depository Library Program since 1928, so if you are studying something World War II or NASA, for example, we can show the students government documents from the time, including posters, manuals, and even jigsaw puzzles.
  • College Success Presentations with Feedback from Students
    • Transitioning to college involves many different challenges, and this presentation by R2OHP gives students tip and trick to smooth the transition, and gives students the opportunity to speak with current students to answer any questions or concerns they may have.
  • Shopping Time at the Bookstore
    • For many students, this is the first time that they have been to a college campus and have seen themselves as possibly going here, and would like to commemorate the experience with some WT merchandise.