Considering the who, what, where, when, why of your research questions
Searching reference sources
Exploring a database's thesaurus
Brainstorming keywords with your instructor, a librarian, or your friend
Booleans describe a logical relationship between search terms.
cat AND dog
Narrows your search
Both words must be present
SES Example
ACL AND therapy
cat OR dog
Expands your search
Either term may be present
SES Example
ACL OR anterior cruciate ligament
cat NOT dog
Refines your search
Excludes the second word from your results
SES Example
therapy NOT acupuncture
Limit your results by:
Require the item to be full-text or not.
If you have time, do not require full-text as we can obtain information you need through a Interlibrary Loan Request.
Resource Type
Restrict to journals, books, etc.
You can limit your results to the most recent research. Medical information should be time-restricted. Generally, limiting to the last 5 years will help you find the most current research.
Search terms may find information through various subjects. Consider limiting your results to your specific subject.
Narrow your results by limiting them to only languages you can read.
And many more...
Revise Your Topic
Finding too much information?
Your topic may be too broad. Narrow it by:
Time period
Aspect (a particular genre or event)
Not finding enough information?
Your topic may be too narrow. Broaden it by:
Related issues
Expand the time period, geographic location, or population