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Information Literacy

This guide offers information literacy resources that faculty can use in the classroom.

Why collaborate with a librarian?

Information literacy is a librarian's specialty.

There are many reasons to collaborate with a librarian.

  1. Librarians are information literacy warriors and your ally in combating misinformation through research and citation battle tactics.

    "Respondents estimate that only 28% of first-year students arrive prepared for college-level research" (Library Journal, 2017, p. 3).

  2. Librarians are search engine ninjas.  Database search engines bow down before them.

    "Coming up with keywords to narrow down searches" (Head, 2013, p. 15) is one of the most difficult tasks for incoming freshmen.

  3. Fake news got ya' down? Librarians know how to sort the wheat from the chaff.

    "The number one challenge facing first-year students is recognizing and evaluating credible and reliable sources" (Library Journal, 2017, p. 10).

  4. Librarians are experts in information literacy and can teach  students how to find any information they might need.

    "Second and third most challenging for first year four-year college/university students is a lack of awareness of available resources and how to identify appropriate sources for an assignment" (Library Journal, 2017, p. 2).

  5. Students gain a personal connection with a librarian and start to see them as a a person to go to for help.

    Head (2013) found "asking for help with research from faculty, librarians or other students" to be one of the top ten things freshmen struggled with when it comes to research (p. 15).



Head, A. (2013). Learning the ropes: How freshmen conduct course research once they enter college (ED548262).  ERIC.


Library Journal. (2017). First year experience survey: Information literacy in higher education [Report].