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Faculty and Student Research Poster Session and Research Fair

This poster session and research fair provides a forum for WTAMU faculty members and students to present their current research in an informal and interactive setting.

2025 Guest Speakers

As a Faculty Poster Session committee member for all twenty years, Dr. Anwar will lead off by providing a historical perspective of the event.

Next, Dr. Hiranuma will share ways he integrates research in teaching, how he involves students in research, and what it means to do research at a primarily undergraduate institution/minority-serving institution.

Finally, Dr. Karaganis will close with a brief overview of WT funding opportunities and the processes of applying for and carrying out research funded by Killgore Grants. He will also discuss strategies for recruiting and mentoring of student collaborators and reflect on the role of internal funding in supporting basic research.




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Dr. Syed Anwar

Professor of Marketing

Paul and Virginia Engler College of Business

Management, Marketing and General Business

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Dr. Naruki Hiranuma

Associate Professor of Environmental Science

Paul Engler College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences

Department of Life, Earth, and Environmental Sciences

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Dr. Stephen Karaganis

Associate Professor of Life, Earth and Environmental Science

Paul Engler College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences

Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences