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EndNote collects, organizes and formats citations. Import directly from database searches, share reference lists, reformat to hundreds of different citation styles.

Setup EndNote for Citations

Configuration steps that make the import process more efficient:

  1. Create folders for research areas.
  2. Select Favorites for formats on import options. Recommendations:
    1. Refman RIS
    2. EndNote Import

Import from Desktop Software

If you use EndNote, Reference Manager or ProCite, you can import citations from any of those files.

EndNote has provided specific instructions for importing.

Manual Entry

On the EndNote dashboard, select Collect > New Reference

Enter citation information. Chosing a format will change the fields which are available for data entry.

Tip: Multiple authors can be entered in the author field. Create a new line by using the enter key, then use the tab key when author entry is complete.

Citations from WTAMU Databases

EBSCO databases: i.e. Business Source Ultimate, CINAHL, and PsycINFO

  1. Select single article or multiple articles from a folder.
  2. Select Export
  3. Change radio button to Direct Export to EndNote Web
  4. Click Save button. If you are not alreday logged in, you will be prompted to do so.
  5. Citations are exported.

JSTOR. ScienceDirect, Sage, Taylor & Francis

  1. Select Export Citation.
  2. Select format RIS file.
  3. Save file to convenient location.
  4. At MyEndNote Web, log into your account, and select Collect > Import References.
  5. Specify the file location, chose format Refman RIS, select destination folder, and click import.