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Drag Performance

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  • Gender Trouble : Feminism and the Subversion of Identity / Judith Butler. 1990, 1999.
  • Available here to borrow in print and
  • also to read online as an ebook and download passages as PDF.
    (The "Search Within" mention will allow you to find mentions of the word drag.)

The principal discussion of drag appears in part 3, section 4, "Bodily Inscriptions, Performative Subversions," as well as somewhat in the prefaces.

Addresses drag more than Butler's earlier Gender Trouble and is both a clarification of the earlier work and a response to criticism of it.

Explores the political stakes of battles over the theater.


  • Sullivan-Blum, Constance R. "Balancing Acts : Drag Queens, Gender and Faith." Journal of Homosexuality 46, no. 3-4 (2004): 195-209.
    Also included in the aforementioned Drag Queen Anthology, this study focuses on four Christian "drag queens [who] insist on maintaining their identity as Christians despite the hegemonic discourse that renders faith and LGBT identities mutually exclusive [and have] developed innovative approaches to reconciling their gender and sexual identities with their spirituality [which] are potentially liberating not just for them personally, but for LGBT people generally because they challenge Christianity's rigid dichotomies of gender and sexuality."