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CHEM 3201 : Chemical Literature

This course guide was created specifically to assist the students of CHEM 3201: Chemical Literature

What is Endnote?

EndNote is a citation manager that allows you to:

  • Create and save citation lists.
    • Receive articles directly exported from databases.
    • Enter citation information manually.
    • Upload a citation list.
  • Format citations to common styles, including specific journal formats.
  • Share lists with researchers at WT or at other institutions.
  • Use from any internet-capable device.
  • Use "Cite While You Write™" in MS Word to insert references and build reference lists as you write.

Signing Up

Two steps will create your account:

  1. Go to:
  1. Select Register to create a personal account.
  2. You are ready to start working with citations!

Account creation also lets you use email alerts, saved searches and other features.

Using Endnote

Create a Group

Whenever starting a new project, paper, etc., select "Create a new group" from the EndNote homepage to best organize your citations.

  1. Select "Manage My Groups" from the "Organize" drop-down
  2. Next, click "New Group"
  3. A dialogue box will appear asking you to insert the name of the new group. Provide a meaningful name to you and click Okay.

Collect (Import) Citations

EndNote allows you to "collect" citations.

Online Searching
Currently not working.
New Reference
Manually enter your citation
Import References
Most databases offer you the ability to download a RIS file. EndNote allows you to upload the RIS file to your group. Additionally, databases (such as EBSCO) offer the ability to directly import citations to EndNote. After directly loading your citation using this method, you will need to manually add it to your group.



To add or to view Keywords of a particular article, you will need to click on that article's entry within your EndNote. Once within the entry, you will find the Keywords category towards the bottom of the page.


When uploading a document by RIS file, it may automatically insert the article's subject terms into the keyword fields. You can edit, add, or delete this to your heart's content. It is your record.


At any point, you may search your records using the search box located towards the top left. This search box can search for your own applied keywords.

Cite While You Write

"Cite While You Write" is a Word plug-in that allows you to write your paper while it automatically inserts in-text citations and manages your reference list.

How to Download Cite While You Write:

While you are logged into Web of Science, please click on "Downloads" from the navigation bar, select the download for your computer, and install.

Downloading Your Bibliography (References)

  1. Select "Bibliography" from the "Format" dropdown.
  2. Select which References/group you would like to make a bibliography from.
  3. Select the citation style you need.
  4. Select the file format you wish to download the information to.
  5. Choose if you wish to save, e-mail, or view/print.

Exporting Your Endnote References

You can always back up and export your EndNote Records using its "Export References" feature.

To find this:

  1. Hover over the "Format" drop-down on the navigation bar
  2. Select "Export References"

How to Export

  1. Select which references you wish to export. This can be specific groups or all of them.
  2. Select the Export style. Most of the options are proprietary formats. If you're sure you will have access to any of these formats, please use the corresponding style. Else, I suggest using the Tab Delimited as this can offer you flexibility with importing citations later.

Cornette Conversations: Endnote