Please click on the name of each presenter below to see their poster and a quick discussion about their poster.
Dr. Qi Kang
Paul Engler College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences
Sustainable Cotton Choices: Consumer Preferences and Willingess to Pay
Click image to view full-size
Dr. Audrey Meador
College of Engineering
Supporting Instruction in Rural Robotics Initiative
Dr. Shefali Pawar
Cloaking of Patch Antennas and Arrays with Coated Metasurfaces
Click image to access poster.
The following video playlist is included to support the poster:
Dr. Ryan Ingebritsen and Dr. Daniel Evans
Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts and Humanities
Of Finding Kinesthetic Empathy: A Study To Discover Metrics to Measure Kinesthetic Empathy During Interactive Music Performance