Westlaw simplifies your starting point for legal research. Try Westlaw's new interface for searching and accessing case law, US Code Annotated, statutes, court rules, regulations, and secondary sources including law reviews and journals as well as reference materials.
Our most comprehensive coverage of business publications for management, marketing, economics, finance, accounting, international business, and more, with not only academic journals, magazines, trade journals, book chapters, conference papers but also country-specific reports, industry profiles, market research reports, SWOT analyses, legal summaries, and CFRA industry surveys.
Unlike Business Source Complete, this version allows unrestricted access to Harvard Business Review (including removing restrictions to the top 500 articles) for course use, enabling linking, printing and downloading that was often unavailable in Business Source Complete. It also increases the number of active, non-OA full-text peer-reviewed journals from 970 to 1,519 and the number without any embargo from 473 to 966.
Format: Majority full-text; some additional full-text via link resolver, Coverage: Varies by title. Mostly mid90s - present., Truncation and Wildcard: * and ?, Search Tips: Use quotation marks to phrase search. Allows Boolean AND, OR and NOT searching. May limit to full-text, scholarly journals, date, page length, publication name and type.