Simultaneously search the most important journals in the social sciences, physical sciences, mathematics, the humanities, and visual and performing arts. Includes 'high impact' scholarly sources. Search by author, topic, affiliation, etc., or follow links to cited sources. Create an individualized sign-in to save results, set up search alerts, and gain access to citation management with the My EndNote Web service. Includes Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Science Citation Index (SCI).
Format: Citations; some full-text via link resolver, Coverage: 1970-present, Truncation and Wildcard: * and * for (any), ? for (1), $ for (0 or 1), Search Tips: Default search is for terms in the order they are entered, use quotation marks for a phrase. Search options include author, title, keyword, and subject. Author first name is initials only. Supports logical connectors AND, OR, NOT, and SAME. Can limit to one or two of the included indexes.
** Expanded access continues as we work to implement a new contract for JSTOR's new all-access model, which will provide access to all archival journals and primary source content. **
Back volumes for 2,890 journals from the very first issue but usually excluding the most current 2-5 years, though almost 100 with coverage through the most recent issue. General subject areas include art & architecture, Asian studies, botany, ecology, economics, education, finance, history, language & literature, mathematics, music, philosophy, political science, population studies, sociology and statistics.
Format: Majority full-text; some additional full-text via link resolver, Coverage: Dates vary with beginning date of journal., Truncation and Wildcard: + and ----, Search Tips: Boolean commands are supported. Use quotation marks to search keywords as a phrase.
Includes journal citations discussing significant areas of public administration, both theory and practice. 75 titles have full-text articles directly from other EBSCO databases, and others are available through the link resolver. Some of the important titles included are Journal of Public Economics, Public Administration and Public Administration Review.
Format: Majority full-text; some additional full-text via link resolver, Coverage: 1974- present, Truncation and Wildcard: * and ?, Search Tips: Boolean command searching. Browsable index of search terms for author/editor, journal name, language, document type, and subject term. Help link at the top of each screen. May e-mail marked entries with selected citation style - check capitalization and punctuation!
Designed specifically for social work issues, abstracts more than 450 social work and human services journals dating back to 1966. Includes theory and practice.
Available to a maximum of 4 simultaneous users, so please close out after you're finished.
Format: Citations; some full-text via link resolver, Coverage: 1966-present, Truncation and Wildcard: * and ?, Search Tips: Use hyphens for subjects described with a phrase (i.e. family-violence). Clicking a link in the 'Narrow Results by Subject' adds the subject term to the previous search. Browsable help pages.
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