Educational index of research documents, journal articles, technical reports, program descriptions and evaluations, and curricular materials. Consists of the print indexes Resources in Education (RIE) and the Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE)
Format: Majority full-text; some additional full-text via link resolver, Coverage: 1966 - present, Truncation and Wildcard: * and # or ?, Search Tips: Omit punctuation (apostrophes, commas, etc.), but may use ampersands and hyphens. Search names as Lastname Firstname Middlename without commas. For list of journals, click on the 'I' icon, then 'All titles for ERIC'. '?Help' link on each screen.
Educational index of research documents, journal articles, technical reports, program descriptions and evaluations, and curricular materials. Consists of the print indexes Resources in Education (RIE) and the Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE)
Format: Citations, Coverage: 1966 - present, Truncation and Wildcard: * and *, Search Tips: Default search is keyword, and assumes AND between search terms. * will match multiple characters anywhere after the first three characters in the word. Phrases should be enclosed in quotation marks. Supports Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT, . Advanced Search also allows searching by title, author, journal title, source intitution, and/or sponsoring agency
Includes all the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) journals, plus conference proceedings and IEEE standards. Coverage areas are
Communication, Networking & Broadcasting
Components, Circuits, Devices & Systems
Computing & Processing (Hardware/Software)
Engineered Materials, Dielectrics & Plasmas
Engineering Profession
Fields, Waves & Electromagnetics
General Topics for Engineers (Math, Science & Engineering)
Nuclear Engineering
Photonics & Electro-Optics
Power, Energy, & Industry Applications
Robotics & Control Systems
Signal Processing & Analysis
Format: Full-text, Coverage: varies by title, Vol. 1 to present, Truncation and Wildcard: * and *, Search Tips: Capitalize OR or AND when using Boolean search and complex command line searches with field names., and Special Features: Subscription includes IET journals. Create an individual account to save searches, results, RSS feeds, etc. More than 5000 conference proceedings included.
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