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HIST 4301 (Dr. Shaffer): Senior Seminar on Revolutions

Why Cite?

Using someone else's words or ideas without giving them credit is called plagiarism. Avoid plagiarism by learning to correctly cite your sources any time you borrow from someone else. Be sure to use the correct citation format for your course. The Student Handbook: Categories of Academic Dishonesty outlines how plagiarism is defined at WT.

Chicago Manual of Style / Turabian

You have subscription access through our web site to the online version of The Chicago Manual of Style. You can search or browse either the 18th or 17th edition. For the 18th edition, Chapter 13 includes details for citing your sources with notes and bibliography.  For the 17th edition, Chapter 14 is about "Notes and Bibliography."

You may also find very useful their Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide.

Print copies of the Chicago Manual and of A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations by Kate Turabian, which presents the same citation styles (very slightly simplified), are available at the Research & Access Desk.

The Chicago Manual (and therefore the Turabian) offers two systems of citation. For history classes, you'll use the one with Notes and Bibliography system. (The other system uses parenthetical author-date references and a corresponding reference list; you can ignore it in history classes.)

When you look at the "Notes and Bibliography" tab of the Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide, each example of a note begins with a number. Every example without a number is a bibliography entry.