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Blackboard Modules

This is a collection of modules to allow faculty to easily upload Information Literacy modules to their Blackboard courses.


Welcome! These prepackaged modules are designed to allow faculty to more easily upload and integrate the Cornette Library guides on Information Literacy into their courses. Simply import the package into your desired course, and enjoy the pre-made coursework.  


Please save the packages as a .zip file. Blackboard will unzip them when it imports the module into your course. 

Anatomy of a Module

Each zip file is a package containing the three basic components of an Information Literacy module: A link to the Libguide, a link to the accompanying quiz, and an assignment for the students to upload their certificates of completion to Blackboard.  

  • Libguide: These are webpages created by the Cornette Librarians that contain important information about a topic. These Libguides are publicly accessible, and a resource that students can continue to use once they have graduated, or can share with others. Additionally, the link on these sites link to the live site, and are updated to stay current with the needs of the students and faculty. 
  • Quiz: These quizzes, also created by the Cornette Librarians, are paired with the Libguides to ensure that the quizzes are updated alongside the Libguide. Successful completion of the quiz also provides the student with a Certificate of Completion, which includes the student's name, BuffID number, Date, and score to ensure academic integrity. 
  • Submission Form: Unfortunately LibWizard, the platform that Cornette Library uses to conduct the quizzes cannot pass the grades through to Blackboard, so this native Blackboard assignment provides the students an opportunity to upload their Certificates of Completion, allowing a faculty member or TA to give the student a grade based on their quiz performance. 

Example: Cornette Library Plagiarism Module

Contents of the package: guide, quiz, and submission form