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Cornette Library 50th Anniversary Celebrations


Join us for a community-wide reception in which we celebrate Cornette Library's golden anniversary. 

Schedule of Events

Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Time: 11:00 am  - 1:00 pm

Location: Cornette Library Atrium

After a brief introduction by Shawna Kennedy-Witthar, Director of Cornette Library, Dr. Wendler will provide a welcome from the University. We also look forward to hearing from Dr. James L. Cornette, son of President James P. Cornette, during the program. Additionally, you will hear a historical perspective of the library' from Sidnye Johnson, Cornette Library's Special Collections Librarian.

Refreshments will be provided in addition to a 1970s-themed performance by The Cartigans, the Cornette Library's book cart drill team.