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CENG/EVEG 3404: Fluid Mechanics

Guide to finding research for literature review assignment in Dr. Howell's Environmental Engineering 3404 - Fluid Mechanics

Why use articles?

Articles are the go to source when you need:

  • Current research information.
  • Information on a narrowly focused topic.
  • Information that has been through a review process.

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Web of Science is a cross-disciplinary guide to scholarly sources from important journals, books, and dissertations.

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Web of Knowledge

About Web of Knowldege

The best all-around source for scholarly articles in a wide variety of topics is Web of Knowledge, formerly called Web of Science. This index to articles has the following features:

  • cross-disciplinary index of highly cited journals from 1970 to the present
  • capability of finding highly cited articles on a particular topic
  • ability to track who has cited a particular article
  • ability to find related articles based on shared references
  • access to MyEndNoteWeb, which allows you to store and format citations.

Web of Knowledge does not contain full text. You must use the SFX function to see if we have access to an article of interest.

Individual Databases with Environmental Engineering Content

Each of the following searches a smaller set of sources, but will find some sources not included in the search box above.