Online collection from Texas A&M libraries providing student access to fiction and nonfiction eBooks, audiobooks, music ,videos and other digital content.
- WT staff, faculty and students may read on or off campus, but must have internet access and a WT Single Sign On (SSO) in order to access and use the collection.
- Device Requirements and help guides available for almost all devices via pdf or video!
Compatible Devices
- Android
- Apple Products
- Nook
- Chromebook
- eReaders
- Kindle
- Microsoft Products
Would you like to read a particular book?
Users are encouraged to request particular titles they desire to read. If you want to read a particular fictional book, even a popular bestseler, contact the librarians. You can make a request through the Research & Access desk.
Lending Policies
Borrowing, Returning and Placing Materials on Hold.
- Users may borrow up to 10 resources at a time. You can browse books and return them from your Bookshelf, but once you download the item, it will count toward your total number of checked out materials.
- Users may place 10 items on hold and will be notified via email when that title becomes available. OverDrive also offers automatic borrowing.