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HIST: Nazi Germany (Govt Docs)

HIST 4337, Dr. Elizabeth Clark: Nazi Germany - Research for U.S. Government Documents

Notable Sets and Series

Armed Forces Talk (1947-1955 weekly publication)
GovDocs/US Docs - M 104.7:
Civil Affairs Handbook: Germany (1944 - 1945)

Gov Docs/US Docs - W 109.12:356-

Sections (individual publications) include:

Documents on German Foreign Policy, 1918-1945
From the archives of the German Foreign Ministry
Gov Docs/US Docs - S 1.82:C and S 1.82:D
Documents on Germany, 1944-1970
Gov Docs/US Docs - Y 4.F 76/2:G 31/9/944-70
Information Bulletin: Monthly Magazine of the Office of the US High Commissioner for Germany (1950 - 1953)
Gov Docs/US Docs - S 1.85:
  • Available online as the Weekly Information Bulletin from July 1945 to December 1947
  • Available online as the Information Bulletin from January 1948 to March 1953
Monthly Report of the Military Governor, Military Government of Germany, US Zone (1945 - 1955)
Gov Docs/US Docs - M 105.7:
Newsmap (1942-1946, with gaps)
Gov Docs/US Docs - W 109.107:1/1- and also W 109.207:2/30-
Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946. (42 vols)
Gov Docs/US Docs - M 105.2:C 86
Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunal. (15 vols)
Gov Docs/US Docs - D 102.8
U.S. Army in World War II (series title)
Gov Docs/US Docs - D 114.7

Titles within Sets

Armed Forces Talk - 196: Progress of U.S. Occupation in Germany. (a 10-page publication)
Gov Docs/US Docs - M 104.7:196
Foreign Relations of the United States: Conference of Berlin (Potsdam) 1945
Gov Docs/US Docs - S 1.1/3:P 84

Congressional Research Service

Part of the Library of Congress, the Congressional Research Service (CRS) is the non-partisan policy research arm of the United States Congress. While CRS publications are rarely distributed to federal depository libraries, the library does have a commercially published set:

Print Holdings

Major Studies and Issue Briefs of the Congressional Research Service
  • has publications from 1916 - 2004
  • on microfilm
  • some, but not all indexes, to the microfilm
  • located in stand-along microform cabinet next to the Monthly Catalog (in US Docs)

Example title:

Major Structural Differences Among the Economies of the U.S., Germany and Japan: An Overview. (10/31/1979)
Accession number is 1979/80-10:0514.
  • 1979/80 = microfilm supplement (published for 1979/1980) to the original set
  • 10 = Reel #10 (Economic and Labor Issues)
  • 0514 = First page of the document is on microfilm frame number 514

Online Resources

Many recent CRS reports and memorandums are available online for free, such as the Holocaust-Era Assets Study and The Holocaust--Recovery of Assets from World War II: A Chronology (May 1995 to Present).

Country Studies/Area Handbook Series

Books in the Country Studies series have comprehensive information about the historical background and the social, economic, political conditions of select countries throughout the world.  From the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress, most were published from 1986 through 1998.

Each book chapter has a lengthy bibliography.

Titles include:

East Germany
Gov Docs/US Docs - D 101.22:550-155/1987
Also has PDF and HTML versions online
Federal Republic of Germany
Gov Docs/US Docs - D 101.22:550-173/2
Gov Docs/US Docs - D 101.22:550-173/1996
Also has PDF and HTML versions online

Individual Titles

Company Officer's Handbook of the German Army
GovDocs/US Docs - W 100.7:22
Cultural Relations as an Instrument of U.S. Foreign Policy: The Education Exchange Program Between the United States and Germany 1945-1954 by Henry J. Kellermann
Gov Docs/US Docs - S 1.67:114
Enemy Air-borne Forces / prepared by Military Intelligence Service, War Dept., 1942
Gov Docs/US Docs - W 100.7:7
German Youth Between Yesterday and Tomorrow, 1 April 1947 - 30 April 1948
Gov Docs/US Docs - M 105.2:G 31
National Socialism : Basic Principles, Their Application by the Nazi Party's Foreign Organization, and the Use of Germans Abroad for Nazi Aims, 1943
Gov Docs/US Docs - S 1.2:SO 1
Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, 1946 (8 vols.)
Gov Docs/US Docs - W 1.2:N 23
Nazi Fifth Column Activities: A List of References, 1943 (Library of Congress)
Gov Docs/US Docs LC 2.2:N 23/1943
Nazi-Soviet Relations, 1939-1941 : Documents from the Archives of the German Foreign Office
Gov Docs/US Docs - S 1.2:N 23/939-41
The Nurnberg Judgment: A Summary
Gov Docs/US Docs - S 1.45:19